Covenant to Care Backpacks for Foster Children


Lori Taylor

Each year, Calvary Church works with a local social worker, through Covenant to Care, to provide backpacks loaded with school supplies for foster children in New London County. This mission is so important to these students, especially with all the uncertainty for the 2020-21 academic year.  Like most things, the sign up is a little different this year. You can sign up for a specific student through this link:

Most stores have curbside pick-up for your convenience, Staples even has a program that pulls all the needed items together for you based on grade level.  In addition to the usual school supplies, the following items will be useful for all students: hand sanitizer, masks, wipes, headphones, and individual dry erase boards with markers.  If you would like a list of suggested supplies, please contact Lori or Alexa.

It’s understandable that many of you may not feel comfortable shopping for a student this year, please consider making a monetary or gift card donation instead.  As a guide, the average elementary school backpack with supplies is around $50, middle school/high school supplies average around $75.  Of course, a donation in any amount is welcome!  Donations can be mailed or dropped off at the church.

All backpacks need to be dropped off at Calvary by Sunday, August 30.  Remember to label your backpack with the student’s name!

If you have any questions, contact Lori or Alexa Garvey

Calvary Episcopal Church