“There is one Body and one Spirit; there is one hope in God’s call to us; one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism; one God and Father of all.”
Baptism at Calvary Church
Baptism is one of the two great sacraments of the Gospel.
It celebrates God’s inclusive welcoming and God’s grace wherein we are acknowledged as God’s family, made members of the Church, and marked as Christ’s own forever. In the words of the Episcopal Prayer Book (B.C.P.), “holy Baptism is the sacrament by which God adopts us as his children and makes us members of Christ’s Body, the Church, and inheritors of the kingdom of God.” Baptism is at the heart and center of the Christian faith and life, and it is a reason for great celebration at Calvary Church . Baptism is an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. The visible sign is water, and the inward grace is that through the power of God’s spirit, we are acknowledged as members of God’s family. In the baptismal service, the sign of the cross is made upon the forehead of the baptized with chrism, which is oil blessed by the bishop. This is the derivation of the word christening, being made Christ’s own.
Baptism is the sacrament of initiation and inclusion.
Through it one becomes as member of the Church, the Body of Christ. And it is an initiation into a life-long process of leading a Christian life. The promises made at one’s baptism define how we are to live in relationship with God and with one another. Programs of Christian Formation at Calvary Church take in earnest the call to help people find meaningful ways to live out their faith and grow more fully into the full stature of Christ. For this reason all baptism are conducted as part of one of our regular Sunday morning worship services.
We believe Baptism to be an entrance and a full membership in the church;
The covenant we enter into by baptism is a life-long undertaking for us as Christians. It is our hope that our liturgy, Christian Formation offerings, and volunteer mission opportunities will serve to enrich our lives and allow us to live fully into our Baptismal promises.
If you are interested in having a baptism at Calvary, please speak to one of our clergy after a Sunday morning worship service.
We are excited to welcome you or your child to the household of God and the body of Christ. All baptisms are conducted as part of a Sunday morning worship service
To schedule an appointment to discuss baptism in further detail, call the Rector at 860-535-1181 ex 1002. You can also request a meeting via email
Download the Baptism Application and fill upon arrival. You can also send in your application to